Friday, May 1, 2009

Sabeel Young Adult Conference Videos

Watch the new Sabeel Young Adult Conference video on youtube. Take a look at the pictures from Sabeel's prior conferences to get an idea of what the conference is like and if you or somebody you know would be interested in attending this year's conference this summer.

Below is a video taken by one of our past Young Adult Conference participants of Jeff Halper of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions speaking at Beit Arabiya describing the Israeli occupation to our group. Beit Arabiya is the name of the Shawamreh family home located just across the Jerusalem municipal boundary. Even though the house is in the West Bank (or land that is intended to part of a Palestinian state), the Israeli authorities have demolished the house at least 4 times. At Sabeel conferences you'll learn about stories like the Shawamreh family's.

Below is a map of Jerusalem. Toward the top right you will see the Palestinian village of Anata in which Beit Arabiya is located. Notice that this area is over the Green Line on the map or the 1949 Armistice Line. The area east of this line is intended to form the majority of the Palestinian state and is currently land occupied by Israel. The blue indicates illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank. You can see Ma'ale Adummim, the settlement that Jeff Halper mentions in the video which stretches from Jerusalem to Jericho effectively cutting the West Bank and its Palestinian communities in half. Also, the red line on the map represents the Wall, or Separation Barrier that has cut further separated Palestinian communities and hurt the Palestinian economy.

Look at the entire map on B'Tselem's website.


mind hearter said...

wonderful blog. Keep it up!

Love Friends

mind hearter said...

You have Done good work. Nice Man
